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2RPIR Members deploy to conduct awareness

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Lieutenant Passingan.R

Wed Apr 29 2020 06:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Members of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force from the 2"d Battalion Royal Pacific Islands Regiment in Moem, East Sepik Province are now in the Marienberg area in the Angoram District to conduct awareness on COVI D-19

These 10 personnel from the Field Engineers deployed on Sunday. They are expected to be in the area for the next seven days.
Another twelve personnel from 2RPIR deployed with the team from the Provincial Health Authority to Pagwi and as far as Ambunti and Angoram to provide security and assist in conducting awareness.
Assessments conducted on the ground reveal that there is still a need for more awareness. This is due to lack of knowledge on COVID- 19.
Meanwhile local councilors from remote parts of East Sepik are requesting health teams to travel into their areas to conduct awareness.
Personnel from 2RPIR deployed to Dagua along the West coast of East Sepik to conduct awareness have moved into Waropu in the Aitape District of West Sepik to assist local police conduct checks as vanilla farmers from East Sepik are now moving into Aitape to travel illegally to Indonesia to sell vanilla.
The Commanding Officer for 2RPIR, Lieutenant Colonel Nelson Rapola is grateful for the support from the local authorities.
“The working relationship we have with the East Sepik Provincial Government and other stakeholders in the province is solid,” Lt Col Rapola said.
“So far the provincial administration has met the costs of supply and logistics for all our troops.”
Lt Col Rapola also thanked the Defence Corporation Program for the support in purchasing six sewing machines to assist women in the barracks to sew face masks for the soldiers.

“The mothers in the barracks have so far sewn six hundred face masks for the soldiers as well as the dependents. The support has come from the Australian Defence Force through DCP and we are grateful.”


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